The 2023 SBE Chapter 22 Expo has been cancelled After much deliberation, the SBE Chapter 22 Officers have decided to…
Our Chapter Officer Election took place in June. Elected to a third two year term: Tom McNicholl-Chairman, Kevin Tubbs-Vice Chairman, Vinny Lopez-Secretary. Elected to his first two year term: Gary Hartman-Treasurer. We look forward to serving the membership for the next two years. Your input is always welcome.
Chapter 22 will be hosting a Joint Virtual Chapter Meeting on Wednesday, July 22, 7:00 pm for Chapters 1, 2, 22, 57 & 58
7:00pm Chapter Business Meetings
7:30pm Presentation – Reliable Transport of Audio and Data Over IP by Tony Gervasi, Sr., Intraplex Sales Manager / Specialist for GatesAir
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It’s Time to elect Chapter Officers for a two year term. If you didn’t receive a ballot by email or USPS, contact one of the current officers listed on the “About SBE22” page of this website. Ballots must be received by 5 pm on Friday, June 12th.
Chapter 22 will be hosting a Joint Virtual Chapter Meeting
on Wednesday, June 17, 7:00 pm for Chapters 1, 2, 22, 57 & 58
7:00pm Chapter Business Meetings and Officer Election results
7:30pm Presentation – “A Snapshot of NMOS: Just the Facts, Please”
Our Presenter will be John Mailhot, CTO of Networking & Infrastructure at Imagine Communications
Attending with John will be Ken Metcalf, Director of Strategic and Regional Accounts at Imagine Communications
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